It take a lot of dedicated people to "make a joyful sound in the city."

In keeping with one of the distinguishing features of the United Church of Christ, St. Pauls is entirely self-governing. All governing authority is vested in the Congregation, which it then delegates to the Church Council and the Pastoral Staff. The Church Council membership consists of four officers, the Chairs of the Standing Minisitries, and five “At-Large” members, and governs St. Pauls jointly with the Staff through its committees.

Click here for a copy of our current Bylaws.

Click here to view our Strategic Plan.

Click here for our past Meeting Minutes.

Click here for a copy of our 2024 Annual Meeting packet.


Officers of the Congregation

Standing Ministries of St. Pauls

At-Large Council Members

Representatives to the Chicago Metropolitan Association of Illinois Conference United Church of Christ

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