Our Mission
As a congregation of the United Church of Christ, we embrace individuals and families of all backgrounds and configurations in a joyful expression of Christian faith in the city. We do this through worship, respect for individuals, fellowship, lifelong Christian education, social justice advocacy, and support of programs and services consistent with our core values.
Our Core Values and Activities
We live our mission in these ways:
- Worship. We open ourselves to God’s revelation in scripture and thank God for life through words, music and actions.
- Respect for the Individual. We celebrate each person as a gift from God, welcoming all without exception.
- Fellowship. We share joys, concerns, and faith, united in spirit to welcome, love, and seek justice for all.
- Education and Faith Formation. We nurture lifelong Christian learning and spiritual growth for all ages.
- Social Justice Advocacy. We serve as stewards of justice, compassion, and peace through action, giving, and witness.
- Community Support. We partner with and invest in local and global communities, living out God’s love in service.
We have always been this way. Did you know St. Pauls is among Chicago’s most forward-thinking churches?
Open and Affirming
St. Pauls is an Open and Affirming congregation. We accept into the congregation and as friends all who believe in God without regard to race, color, age, marital status, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or physical ability.
Want to Know More?
Fill out the Getting to Know You form to connect with a pastor and learn more about how St. Pauls can be the place where you are valued, supported, and inspired to grow in faith, fellowship, and service.