A caring, involved church family
“Love one another as I have loved you.” We try to put Jesus’ word into action at St. Pauls by actively loving each other through relationships of caring, kindness and service.
Stephen Ministers
Trained volunteers giving one-to-one support
You’ll find Stephen Ministers in thousands of congregations and in over 30 countries. They go through a formal training program to equip them to provide meaningful, one-to-one care to people navigating life’s tough times. The photo above shows our latest class of Stephens Ministers, and this video from Marti Pechnyo gives a first hand look at what the ministry is all about.
For those with a talent for TLC
Our Connectors provide special acts of tender loving care to the congregation, including birthday cards, calls and connections for the home bound, goody boxes for college students and meals during times of illness or family emergency.
Ask about joining the Connectors >

Youth Ministries
Share your gifts in our vibrant youth programs
From lyricists and choreographers for our annual Bible Off Broadway, to mission trip leaders, acolyte trainers, confirmation class sponsors, or, or course, Sunday School teachers, our multi-faceted youth programs offer endless opportunities to volunteer and be a vital part of church life.
Find out about our youth ministry >